Purpose: The members of the TCAC will represent the Golden Gate Park Tennis Center (GGPTC) users’ needs and concerns to the GGPTC Operator and the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department.
The Golden Gate Park Tennis Center Advisory Committee (TCAC) is a volunteer, advisory group that shall reflect and represent the interests of the “regular users” of the Golden Gate Park Tennis Center to the operator of the Tennis Center and the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department (SFRPD).
The TCAC is sponsored by the San Francisco Parks Alliance (SFPA) and its partner the Tennis Coalition of San Francisco (TCSF). San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department and the City of San Francisco is the owner of the Golden Gate Park Tennis Center. SFRPD may serve as advisors to the committee but will not be members of the TCAC. The TCAC size cannot be smaller than seven members or larger than eleven members.
The Tennis Center Advisory Committee will meet with the professional operator before the Tennis Center is opened in order to be a sounding board to the operator and to help in balancing the needs of all of the users. This may include giving feedback to the proposed schedule, reservation policies and proposed activities at the Tennis Center. The Tennis Center Advisory Committee will not have a role in the selection of the operator nor the cost of court rental, lessons or activities. These are regulated by SFRPD and the Board of Supervisors.
The general public shall have the opportunity on a regular basis to provide comments and feedback to the Tennis Center Advisory Committee regarding the Tennis Center's operations. Such opportunities shall be clearly posted in one or more heavily-trafficked areas at the Tennis Center and on the homepage of the Tennis Center's website.
The Tennis Center Advisory Committee will meet no less than twice a year with the City (represented by the General Manager of the Recreation and Parks Department or his/her designee) and the Golden Gate Park Tennis Center operator to update and consult with the Department on usage patterns and to discuss center operations issues.
At its convening, the TCAC will establish its charter which will cover its scope, structure, selection processes and responsibilities. One of the first duties of the TCAC will be to create by-laws and procedures. Terms of service on the TCAC shall be two or three years, and individuals may serve two consecutive terms but shall be ineligible for further committee service until one or two years have elapsed.
To be eligible to serve on the TCAC, an individual must have (1) a demonstrated and provable interest in, and commitment to the betterment of tennis and other activities at GGP Tennis Center. (2) All TCAC members must be residents of San Francisco. (3) The TCAC must have at least one user over the age of 60 and one user under the age of 18. (4) One member of the TCAC shall be employed or designated by San Francisco public high schools or local San Francisco children’s organizations. (5) At all times, representatives of SFPA and/or The Tennis Coalition shall comprise at least two members of the TCAC, but no more than 49% of the TCAC.
Application and Selection Process:
San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department, San Francisco Parks Alliance and the Tennis Coalition of San Francisco are committed to an open and transparent selection process for the Tennis Center Advisory Committee. The selection committee will consist of two members of the SFPA and two members of the TCSF. SFRPD will serve as an advisor but will not have a vote in the selection process.