Thursday, March 7, 2019
6 – 9 pm
Bullitt Bar (2209 Polk St. between Green & Vallejo)
Have fun while supporting a great cause!
Join us for our fundraiser on Thursday, March 7, 6 to 9 pm at Bullitt Bar in San Francisco as we “Serve It Up” for the Golden Gate Park Tennis Center renovation! Guest bartenders will be slinging groundbreaking cocktails and Tennis Coalition Board members will be raffling off exciting prizes – including Beats headphones, gift cards and more – every half hour. Delicious food will be available for purchase, should you want to add some dinner to those drinks.
All of the proceeds from tips (extravagant ones, we hope!) and the raffle will benefit the Campaign for Golden Gate Park Tennis Center (www.supportGGPtennis.org) and will be matched, thanks to the generosity of Taube Philanthropies.
We hope to see you there!
Questions? Contact info@tenniscoalitionsf.org