Thanks to Lois Anne Indorf for the photos and recap
The Golden Gate Tennis Club holds three club play dates each year. We had a great turn out for 2017’s first event on March 25th.
The day started with wet courts, but we persevered and dried them off with new rollers (a gift from GGTC to the courts). The round robin went off as planned, and all had fun!
Captains took advantage of free courts for team practices. There did seem to be some mixing and matching among teams who often face each other across the net as opponents rather than partners-- way to build up club comradery!
The bravest players of all played against the high-level youth from the SF Rec and Park Program, run by Lou Mauanapau and his team of coaches! It is tough to be out rallied by a 10 year old!
Lunch was provided -- plenty of cold cuts, egg salad, veggies and good ole chips!!!
The next Club Day Event is scheduled for June 24th -- think Beach Party Tennis!!!