Five Questions For… Bob Kaliski (Chair, Harbor Point Charitable Foundation)
It’s all in the family for Bob Kaliski. He, his brother Ray, sister-in-law Linda and nephew Patrick own and manage the residential and fitness complex at Harbor Point in Mill Valley, which includes 220 apartment units, a tennis and health club, and restaurant (The Lighthouse Café).
Bob’s father Ray and uncle Marty, who founded Harbor Point in 1963, were known to be generous people, donating to many charities around the world. In 2004, following in the family tradition, Bob suggested to his family that they establish the Harbor Point Charitable Foundation as a way to give back to their community, addressing needs in Marin County and the San Francisco Bay Area.
Since its inception, the Harbor point Charitable Foundation has distributed over $2,000,000 to Bay Area community initiatives, including to the renovation of the Golden Gate Park Tennis Center.
1. Why did you decide to start the Harbor Point Charitable Foundation?
I started the Harbor Point Charitable Foundation to help our community and our family here at Harbor Point to be able to give back to those in need in our community. We have been able to enjoy a fantastic life because of being fortunate enough to have this 220-apartment complex, and the Tennis Club and Fitness Center. We have been extremely blessed and need to spread those blessings to those in need. It was and is a great opportunity I could not pass up!
2. For several years you hosted the Esurance Tennis Classic, an exhibition fundraising event that drew big name tennis players like Andre Agassi, Steffi Graf, Michael Chang, and the Bryan Brothers. What do you miss most about that event?
I miss most the ability to play in the Pro/Ams with the names you mentioned. It was so much fun -- especially playing with each of the Bryan Brothers.
3. How often do you manage to get on the courts and play tennis?
I play three times a week. I am exclusively a men's doubles player now.
4. You and the Harbor Point Charitable Foundation are big supporters of the Golden Gate Park Tennis Center renovation project. Why?
The project gave us a chance to bring back to life the tennis community in SF and to honor Rosie Casals at the same time. It was and is a win-win situation. Rosie played tennis at the Golden Gate Park tennis courts. She taught at Harbor Point for some time after her playing career was over. She started Sportswoman, Inc and started to promote tennis events. She was the promoter that helped us put on the Esurance Tennis Classic from 2005 until 2012. She used to live in Sausalito but now likes the warmth of Palm Desert.
5. When not playing tennis or managing a tennis club, how do you like to spend your time?
When not playing tennis, I tend to the Charitable Foundation projects, I travel and work on releasing my 10-song CD, which will be released in November. The CD includes all my original songs, recorded in the last three years. Patrick Kaliski, my nephew, manages the Club now. I am the General Manager so I don't have much to do because Patrick is doing such a great job.